It was Sunday morning. I had traveled to Philadelphia to be present at the meeting of MARCHA (Metodistas Representando la Causa de los Hispanos Americanos). The night before this group of Methodists talked about values that would guide them as they grapple with what is next for our denomination.
The Risk to Love
Coming Home to Grace, Hope, Love
Attending my own annual conference is always like coming home. I meet and greet clergy who have been with me on the journey in ministry since my journey began. There was my clergy friend who was on my first DCOM when I was coming through the process. There was my first superintendent, and my second, and my third. There was the clergy friend and her family who accompanied mine to family camp. There was the friend that I have leaned on for years for counsel and support.
Our Resurrection Hope
Many of us, no doubt, were at Easter services this past Sunday. We enjoyed the smell of flowers in our sanctuaries. We reveled in the Alleluia chorus sung by our choirs. We celebrated the hymns commemorating Christ’s resurrection, and we rehearsed once again the stories of the women at the empty tomb. As we worshipped together, we greeted each other with the faith-filled Easter affirmation, “Christ has risen! He has risen indeed!”
God Delights in You
This past Friday, I hosted my youngest son’s eleventh birthday. He wanted a slumber party, so we invited six of his friends over for a sleepover and party in our basement. The boys watched movies, ate popcorn, played games, and took turns wrestling with a huge stuffed dinosaur that my kids had been given by a church member some years ago.
Labyrinths of Hope
In the Image of God's Heart
At the beginning of a meeting in 2018 at the General Board of Global Ministries with the leaders of the National Ethnic Plans, I gave a devotional that focused on God’s vision for a worldwide church. The Rev. Fred Shaw, Shawnee storyteller and United Methodist pastor, followed my devotional with a traditional, indigenous prayer. His prayer started with a story. I asked his permission to share it.
Betraying our Best Selves
Hearts of Peace
When I was a local church pastor in my first appointment, I found myself in conflict with a lay person in the congregation. This man wanted to be chair of the trustees. I thought him inappropriate for the role, and I made sure he did not get elected. I later found out that he was hurt by my actions.